Chun Qing Li
Professor and Head of School
RMIT University
Professor Li is Professor of Civil Engineering and the Head of the School of Civil, Environmental and Chemical Engineering. Apart from his management and teaching commitments, Professor Li devotes his time on innovative research and has gained specific expertise in time-dependent reliability methods and their applications to risk assessment and service life prediction for civil infrastructure. Professor Li’s research areas include risk and reliability analysis of engineering works, service life prediction of civil infrastructure, steel corrosion in concrete and its effects on concrete structures, deterioration of materials and structures, methodology of whole life design and assessment of civil infrastructure, stochastic modeling of loading and structural resistance, and construction management. As Head of School, Professor Li provides leadership and guidance for the School and staff of the School. He is responsible for the operation of the school, managing teaching, research and administration. Specialised in risk and reliability assessment and whole life management of physical infrastructure. Teaching areas include Structural design, Structural assessment, Systems engineering, Materials Science, Construction project management and Research methodology. Professor Li has authored or co-authored around 180 international peer reviewed publications to date including journal articles and conference papers.
Research Interest
Professor Li’s research areas include risk and reliability analysis of engineering works, service life prediction of civil infrastructure, steel corrosion in concrete and its effects on concrete structures, deterioration of materials and structures, methodology of whole life design and assessment of civil infrastructure, stochastic modelling of loading and structural resistance, and construction management.